5 Physics Equations Everyone Should Know
All the technology that we rely on, from cars to smartphones, is engineering designed Using physics. You do not need to know the science to use these things. But a person with good knowledge must be understood at least some basic concepts, along with some music, art, history and economics. Robert Heinlin said everything Time is enough for love:
“A person must be able to change diapers, plan an invasion, slaughter a pig, manage a ship, design a building, write a poem, balance accounts, build a wall, establish greatness, condolences for the dying, receive orders, give orders, cooperate, act on your own, solve equations , Analyzing a new problem, throwing compost, computer programming, cooking a delicious meal, fighting efficiently, with courage.
So, in order not to be insects, here are the five best physical equations that you must know.
1. Newton’s second law
I am sure that you have seen this before, it is more than 300 years old, and it is very popular in the scientific aimals and shirts. The force that affects the body of its bloc says (M(Acceleration times (A). But what does that really mean? The whole thing is related to reactions, such as kicking football or dropping a bottle of water on the ground.
Newton’s second law states that we can describe these interactions as the concept of “power”. And what do the forces do? The resulting force affecting the body of what changes the movement of the body. But wait! There are a lot of great things in this simple appearance equation.
Look at those stocks F and A? This indicates the variables that are veiled, which means that they contain more than one information. For example, if someone asks you to “social spacing” for yourself by one meter, where will it end up? Who knows? You can go one meter to the east, west or 39 degrees from the north. The distance itself is not the full story; You also need to determine the direction. This applies to both powers and acceleration. Other quantities (such as mass or temperature) have no direction. We call these numerical values.
Newton’s second law is very useful, but it is strange that people do not believe it. The common misconception is that fixed strength causes the body to move at a constant speed. What this equation says is that if you pay a body with a fixed force, it will continue to accelerate.