
Luigi Mangione’s manifesto reveals his hatred of insurance companies

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HBunny investigations Like bankruptcy cases: they come gradually and then all once. On December 9, Luigi Mangion, a 26 -year -old engineering graduate at the University of Pennsylvania, a Lagi School, was a bond, He was arrested and accused with Brian Thompson was killedthe CEO From UNITEDHEALTHCAR, the largest health insurance company in America, at the assassination of Predawn in Manhattan on the fourth of December. The arrest came five days after the frantic investigation, in which the police seemed almost no threads at all. The fugitive was finally arrested in a branch of McDonald’s in Tuna, a town in the center of Pennsylvania, after a member of the team got to know his face from a security camera image that was circulated by the police.

Mr. Mangar, of course, is legally innocent to prove his conviction. But general evidence against him accumulates. The police say that the officers who discovered the arrest of New Jersey are fake Identification card Of the type that apparently uses the killer to verify a hostel in Manhattan, as well as a printed 3D gun, a silencer, and a set of money. (Mr. Manji appears to oppose this last details.) There was also a handwritten note of 262 words that included the clip: “I apologize for any conflict or shocks but it had to be done. Frankly, these parasites were simply coming.” He wrote that health insurance companies are “very strong, and they continue to misuse our country for tremendous profit.”

Despite his writings, Mr. Manji was not determined to arrest him. He faded with the skill of his monsters. It seems that he arrived in New York and left him again on the bus. He covered his face most of his time in the city, perhaps using the “fireplace” phone; And pay the price of things exclusively in cash. Central Park searches had apparently appeared that the killer had apparently ignored, but it only contains a jacket and a package of monopolistic money. If his face did not reveal a security camera for a few seconds in the youth house, or it was recognized by the eagle -eyed burger fin, it would still be free.

Mr. Mangion is now facing five criminal charges in New York City, including second -class killing. He is also accused of committing arms crimes and uses false Identification card In Pennsylvania. He is currently fighting the delivery of criminals to Empire State, a process that may take several weeks to solve. Then he will have to be officially pleaded with charges. His lawyer suggested that he intends to acknowledge not guilty.

What can murder? The short memorandum of Mr. Manjion proposed a mathematical desire to retaliate with the US health care system. He pointed out that America has the most expensive health care in the world, but the average life expected has stagnated. “Many people lit corruption and greed” in the system. “It is clear that I am the first to face with such brutal honesty.”

Graph: Economic

CV details add some context. Mr. Mangion belongs to a wealthy Italian American family from Baltimore. Al -Wafil was in his private school, the elite in the city. After studying computer science and graduation from Pennsylvania in 2020, he lived in Hawaii, where he was working as a data engineer in Truecar, a car purchase site. Although it is clear and clearly active, according to friends in Hawaii, he suffered from chronic back pain, and may have worsened due to a surfing injury. In 2023 he appeared to undergo surgery. On his Reddit account, posted an X -ray image of the spine with several screws planted. About six months ago, he disappeared, cut off with friends and family, until he returned again in Altoona.

If his goal is to make America discuss the health care system, Mr. Manjion appears to succeed. In the days before his arrest, three words written on the corps of bullets aim to kill Mr. Thompson – “Inskar”, “Defense” and “Illumination” – which aims to echo the words that insurance companies use while rejecting claims, Mimi. On Tiktok, the sympathizers of the mysterious killer at the time were a kind of superhero, as the influencers were singing for him and a tattoo from his face.

Certainly frustration with insurance companies grow. According to a survey conducted last year by the Kaiser Family Foundation, which is suffocated by health policy, in the previous year, 18 % of Americans who believed it would be covered, and 27 % of insurance companies are paid less than expected. Fifty says they have to go without health care due to insurance restrictions. In recent years, deprivation rates have increased, while insurance companies have adopted new tactics (such as the use of artificial intelligence to make decisions) that are not very popular and produced some horrific errors. Knowing what will be covered or rejected is very difficult, even for professionals. About half of the Americans say they are not sure how to cover them (see graph 1). The other half is confident.

Graph: Economic

The difficult thing is that insurance companies are barely the only bad guys in this story. Net profit margin at UNITEDHELTHCARE is about 6 %; Most insurance companies make less. On the contrary, Apple, a giant technology, makes 25 %. Insurance companies are forced to refuse to cover a large part of them because the corporate resources are limited to what patients pay in installments, and sometimes with the help of federal benefits. However, every other part of the health care system in America stimulates service providers on excessive diagnosis, excessive description and honor for treatment, and many of them may be unnecessary. Many doctors refuse to demand acceptance of the rates of insurance companies, which leads to unexpected “outfit” fees. Hospitals address pricing lists like state secrets. The costs of tremendous health management in America (see graph 2) swollen through the fact that almost any treatment can lead to combat negotiations between the insurance and provider.

America has fewer doctors for an individual from almost all other rich countries, and more than one in four doctors get more than $ 425,000. However, a narrow federal hat on the residences stops more training. A lot of the transaction provided to the Americans (and paid or rejected it by insurance companies) will not be provided at all in statistical countries. The background surgery of the background is actually an example. Details are unclear, including whether the insurance is paid for its treatment. But his Reddit account indicates that he is shopping about doctors before persuading one to perform a “spine merging” surgery. Elsewhere, the number of these surgeries has decreased over the past decade because research turned out to be ineffective compared to the simplest treatments. However, in America, the number continued to rise.

Unfortunately, it is easier to talk about a health care policy than doing it. A paradox of the writing of Mr. Mangion is that although US health care is expensive and often effective, this is not clearly related to America’s expected age. In fact, one of the prominent contributors to shorter life has nothing to do with doctors. That is, 20,000 murders committed every year in guns.

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