
Full-fat milk, semi-skimmed or skimmed: which is healthiest? | Milk

Full cow’s milk sales FlourishingWhile the enthusiasm of Semi-Skimmed has cool. But is the blue cover healthier than green? Take a look.

Is whole cow’s milk creamy more healthy or semi -pickled milk?

Nicolas Ludulam Ryan, a spokeswoman for the British Diet Association, also indicates who drinks it.

“Full -fat milk contains more calories and saturated fats compared to semi -increasing or rational milk, which may be useful for those who need more energy or desire to increase satiety,” she says. “However, for those who manage weight or cardiovascular risk factors, semi -violating milk may be a better option, as it provides the same basic nutrients with fewer calories and less saturated fats.”

She says that saturated fats in milk have a different effect inside the body than those in butter, coconut oil and fatty meat.

“Some studies indicate that the dairy matrix – which includes calcium, protein and other biologically active compounds – may help reduce some of the possible negative effects of saturated fats at cholesterol levels. However, current guidelines still recommend setting the priorities of unsaturated fat of heart health.”

Does full fat milk have more calcium?

No-in fact, the calcium content is somewhat similar to whether your milk has been equipped, semi-pink or complete fat.

“Calcium is found in the water -based part of milk, not fat,” says Ludlam Ryan, noting that the three types of milk provide an excellent source of these nutrients and iodine, both of which are important for bone health.

Although the amount of vitamin A in semi -fluctuating milk is half the level in the whole milk, “says Tom Sanders, a half -level milk in the full milk. It is likely that a shortage. “

Is this discussion about fears and confusion about processed foods?

This may be a single factor-but as if Ludlam -raine, author of the book “Non-Treatment of Treatment Treatment, can be the term” processing “misleading.

“Many people are equivalent to minimal treatment with health benefits and try to avoid very treated foods, which in many cases is a positive change,” she says. “However, skim milk to remove some fats is a simple mechanical process and does not make the product very processed. In fact, most milk – whole fat or otherwise – is subject to some level of treatment, such as pasteurization, to ensure safety, which is positive .

Sanders notes that only sweetened condensed milk is very processed. On the contrary, fresh or pasteurized milk, including the milk -free milk, is located within the unpaid or processed category to the minimum of the NOVA classification system used to determine the extent of food processing.

So if I want cow’s milk, what should I drink?

“Ultimately, the best option depends on the health goals of the individual.

Sanders says that full-fat milk makes annoying coffee better than theist milk-and this is the reason that it is used in many cafes.

He says: “The whole milk makes the thrombosis better when making homemade yogurt.” “However, there are no health reasons to switch from almost equal to full -fat milk and the change in the wrong directions of saturated fats and calories will be.”

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