Karla Sofía Gascón Breaks Down In Unauthorized Hour-Long CNN Interview
Besieged Emilia Beers Oscar Carla Sophia Jaskoun appeared in an interview with Espanyol for one hour, in which she collapsed with tears and retreated at various points from her racist and terrorist twist that appeared.
Initially, many points are repeated in them Publishing Instagram apology yesterdayGascón repeated that she is “not racist” and offered her “the most honest apologies to all people who may have felt insulting because of the way I express in my past, in my present and in my future.”
She later continued: “I think I was judged, I was convicted, sacrificed, crucified and stoned without trial and without an option to defend myself.”
The deadline has confirmed this Netflix He did not participate in preparing a CNN interview and did not know that she was talking.
In an interview, she jumped largely on the topics, with the interview with Juan Carlos Archinigas often unable to get a word, Jaskoun discussed her “wonderful daughter”, who she said she taught her “important values” and that she is related to the black conflict.
“I feel sympathetic to people who were thrown from buses for their skin tone, with people who do not want them to study at the university, for people who simply hated present, like how I hate at this moment, she said.
Gascón sometimes collapsed in crying, citing a relationship with a wonderful woman from a Muslim who taught her with respect and perhaps better than she was in the past. “
At another stage, Jaskoun raised her brother who died when she was twenty that humans were unfortunate but something I have incredible hope. “
She continued that she always received hatred, for example to wear earrings or skirt, and she is called an anti -gay name for being across. In addition, she said she faced hatred from some people in Mexico for being a Spanish, claiming that they called her “a Spanish woman who came again to steal them from gold.”
Later, Gascón referred to the Madrid Train 2004 bombings, which she had left, “I affected me to see two days before some people prayed on the train who were very similar to the people who later carried out these attacks.”
She also said: “I did not stop receiving hatred, death threats, insults and violations. I saw no one who came out, in any media, any space, any place, raising his hands for me and saying,“ Hey, what happens with this person who flies? ”And no one No one lifted one finger for change.
Watch the interview, in Spanish, below: