
Veganuary 2025: I Ate a Completely Vegan Diet for a Month, and Here’s What It Did to My Body

The biggest feature of the vegetation? It has become more interested and knowledgeable about the subject of nutrition. Now take a more critical look at the ingredient menu in the products and return it to the shelf if necessary. I also cook a lot myself and I am better in including foods that are beneficial to you such as fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, seeds, grains, etc.

I did not notice a big health difference, although I lost some fat in the abdomen. However, the biggest difference was my skin: after a month of eating vegetable food, my skin has definitely became more pure than before. Perhaps this was due to avoiding dairy products, which can cause skin defects, such as sugar.

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It is also noticeable: I definitely felt that I had more energy than before, even after long -distance walking trips, long biking, and the like. After exercise, I found myself ready to practice activity again more quickly than before.

Vegetable dining tips

Are you thinking about following a vegetarian diet? Here are some of the tips that I have learned and that I will take in the vegetarian system.

Plan 12 your day.

The balance in the vegetarian diet is the balance. Spaghetti with prefabricated polynota is definitely fast and easy. However, this will not cover everything the body needs in one day. It is especially important for vegetarians not only dependent on vegetables and fruits. Other beans and legumes provide protein, while you can get good carbohydrates from whole grains. In his book How do you not die,, Michael Grieger, PhD in Medicine, summarized 12 types of foods that should be included in the vegetarian diet every day. You can Download that list here.

Participate in things like a vegetarian.

You may find that it is easier to adhere to your vegetable diet if you have other people who share the same thinking and speak with them. If you try to challenge 31 days like vegetable With a friend or two, you can contact each other and share the favorite recipes. Some companies also participate in Veganuari, as more vegetable options offer their lists and grocery stores, making things a little easier as well.

Plan for alternatives from time to time.

Cheese, burger and even feta: There is in fact a vegetable version of everything your heart wants (almost), and the taste is often approaching. Before you start a vegetable diet, think about the non -vegetable dishes that you will miss, and look for alternative options.

Watch the nutritional supplements you may need.

Politics can get all the nutrients they need as long as they are eating a balanced diet. With one exception: Vitamin B12 It is a recommended supplement because it is only naturally present in animal products. If you are vulnerable to iron deficiency, you should also talk to your doctor to examine your blood and pay attention to including iron -rich foods, such as sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, oats and dried fruits, in your diet.


After the vegetarian diet is over, I think I will continue to try to eat a vegetarian diet mostly. However, I cannot call myself vegetarian. It is easy at home permanently combining vegetable dishes. However, I do not want to exclude or restrict myself when I go out to eat socially, so I will make exceptions at the time.

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