
America’s best-known practitioner of youth gender medicine is being sued

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JOlson Kennedy It is among the most famous gender gender doctors in the world. She was the medical director of the Transchith Center for Health and Development at the Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles (both), One of the first American youth sexual clinics, and the current current, since 2012. A repeated expert on court cases that are often transferred in the media, Dr. Olson Kennedy also leads an initiative of $ 10 million with funding from patriotism, health institutes to study Youth Medicine To a large extent, the largest project in America. In addition, she is the president of the US Professional Association for Sexual Health.

With the accumulation of the prohibition at the state level on youth sex medicine, and it is tested in the Supreme Court, this controversial field has been seized through a fierce discussion on the correct role of mental health assessments. Dutch doctors who published the gender medicine protocol in 2012 stressed the importance of a careful and in -depth evaluation before a young man began puberty or sex hormones. But Dr. Olson Kennedy has emerged as a critic of what she considered unnecessary and unnecessary “guarding”. She told a newspaper. Atlantic Ocean In 2018, in her published research, Dr. Olson Kennedy reported that sex hormones were described for patients over the age of 12 years, and to refer patients of 13 years to double pharynx.

Now, however, Dr. Olson Kennedy is being prosecuted by a former patient, Clementine Breen, who is believed to be harmful specifically due to the lack of preservation of the gate. It appears that many of Mrs. Brain’s claims are supported by the patient’s observations, Dr. Olson Kennedy, which was shared by Mrs. Breen and her legal team with her. Economic. The medical lawsuit was filed on December 5 in California.

Mrs. Brain Talib, a 20 -year -old drama Ucla His treatment at the clinic of Dr. Olson Kennedy included puberty surroundings at the age of 12, hormones at thirteen years of age and dual breast eradication at fourteen years of age. I stopped taking testosterone about a year ago and then started to choose in March. The defendant, Dr. Olson Kennedy, the sexual therapist that Dr. Olson Kennedy referred to Mrs. Breen, the surgeon who performed dual breast eradication and 20 “members of the” who were “factors”, employees, workers in workers, and their employees. The defendants. “Mrs. Breen’s lawyers accuse them of medical negligence on a number of reasons, including the lack of psychological evaluation, mismanagement of her mental health and lack of concern about the effects of puberty of bone health.

Why Soo? Mrs. Brain seeks to obtain cash compensation. But she also cited “the causes of personal closure” in an interview, in addition to the desire to refute the idea that young sexual transformations are rare in America, which is a common demand by some activists. “People are completely brushing what happened to me as something that does not happen,” she says.

While much is not known about the practices of American sex clinics, the Dutch -style evaluation does not seem to be the base. None of the 18 American youth clinics that Reuters contacted to conduct an investigation published in 2022 described such a protocol. The share of Americans who regret the transitions of both sexes, or who are invalidated, is also unknown. Jordan Campbell, a lawyer for Mrs. Brain, says there is an increase in a number of carriers looking for a victory. His company, which focuses on carriers, was dealt with by more than 100 people but continued to litigate on behalf of less than five.

In most cases, the laws of government restrictions are all for the purposes to follow up on legal claims, or the possible customer ultimately decides the experience often to do so. In the case of Mrs. Brain, though, her treatment was newly enough to allow her to prosecute her sponsors as she was ready to speak. This-Dr. Olson Kennedy is at the top of her field-which makes Mrs. Brain’s case worthy of notice in particular. And if the prosecutors, like Mrs. Brain Ysdon, are health care systems in the states where these treatments are still legal-caution against lawsuits and the possibility of high insurance premiums for medical practices-may take a more conservative approach in youth sex medicine, or even give up Full submission.

The story of Mrs. Brain begins early in the 2016-17 academic year, when she reached 12 years old. I felt depressed and asked for help from a consultant. In the interview, she recalls: “I mentioned that I might be transient, but I also mentioned that I might be gay and that I might be bi -sex, just as I was not really sure of my identity at all.” She said that her unstable feelings later stem from a violent situation at home, her older brothers, who suffer from severe autism, as well as ill -treatment at the hands of a person outside the family when she was her older brother, who was six years old, and who did not reveal to anyone Until later.

Mrs. Breen and her lawyers claim that despite her ambiguity about her identity, her advisor is proven to be transgender. “Based on those talks and few data, Chancellor Clemhenin’s parents called and told them that she believed that Clementine is sexually transformed,” they write in the complaint. With the support of her school, Mrs. Brain, who bears the name Kaya at the time, changed her name to Kay and her conscience to him/to him. Her parents took her to both The gender clinic, and the first Mrs. Bren’s date was there, as in the records, in December 2016.

Dr. Olson Kennedy’s observations from this first visit show that she was immediately put Mrs. Brain on a way towards medical transition. I wrote that Mrs. Brain has not yet seen a sexual therapist and came out three months ago. However, she confirms that Mrs. Breen meets the diagnostic and statistical manual standards specified for the sexes of the sexes, one of which, she writes, is a sex identity that lasted for six months or more.

At the time of this appointment, the most recent guidelines for gender aircraft, the World Professional Association for Sexual Health (transformers (WpathI noticed the criteria for publication 7, that “before any physical interventions of adolescents are considered, a widespread exploration of psychological, family and social issues should be made, as shown above. The duration of this exploration may vary greatly depending on the complexity of the situation.”

Three months later, Mrs. Brain returned to both To obtain adulthood bears in its left arm. “I still have the scar – it’s very small, but it is here,” says Ms. Brain. From there, its way was to completely irreversible treatments. Medical records indicate that after less than a year of Dr. Olson Kennedy, testosterone described the hormone of Mrs. Bren. In May 2019, Brain, who was 14 years old at the time, was a double breast removal.

Mrs. Breen and her lawyers claim in a lawsuit that when her parents expressed testosterone reservations, Dr. Olson Kennedy spoke with them away from Clementine. “Dr. Olson Kennedy first told them that Clementine was suicide,” they wrote in the complaint. “At that time, Clemmanin had no thoughts about suicide, and certainly did not express anything on these lines by Dr. Olson Kennedy. Dr. Olson Kennedy went further. […] In telling them that if they do not agree to hormonal treatment by sex, Clementine will commit suicide. “

Since Mrs. Brain’s parents rejected the interview request, Mrs. Brain is the only source of this claim. However, it is correct that there is no mention of the risk of suicide in any of the notes of Dr. Olson Kennedy before removing the double breast of Mrs. Brain, and the visit notes for appointment when Dr. Olson-Kewidi ordered Al-Tashrasi, describing the condition of Clemensin (then Kai) as a mental state as “in alert. … there is no sharp, cooperative, smiling, “smiling Even if Mrs. Brain has committed suicide, the evidence that hormones via sex reduce thin suicide: in a 2021 method of sexual sex hormones on sex hormones on people passing through the association of the World Professional Association in the field of sexual transformation, the authors write this due to the lack of High -quality published research, “We could not extract any conclusions about death by suicide.”

Save fluids

Perhaps the most suitable claim for the lawsuit is that Dr. Olson Kennedy has easier the history of the gender identity of Mrs. Brain in the letter of support she wrote to the wounds of Mrs. Brain. In the letter, quoted in the complaint and also it was completely obtained EconomicDr. Olson Kennedy writes that Mrs. Brain had “supported a male sexual identity from childhood”-the language intends to indicate that the identity of the young man was stable for a long time, which reduces fears that the patient may change their opinion. But the prosecution was contrary to the records of Dr. Olson Kennedy. (Dr. Olson Kennedy did not respond to a request for comment through her hospital. The wounds of Mrs. Brain refused to comment through his lawyer.)

With the exception of a transient period of improved mood after inserting the implant, Ms. Brain says she does not think any of these treatments made her feel better. In fact, her mental health began to decrease after she went at testosterone.

the both The team described and returned many mental medications, but there is nothing in the records indicating that anyone in the hospital wondered whether the transition helps instead of harming Mrs. Brain, although it seems later to be some warning signs. By July 2020, she was facing “a very difficult time to remember” weekly testosterone shots, and they were missing three quarters of them, as Dr. Olson Kennedy wrote at the time (transformed by Dr. Olson Kennedy into a gel). Three camels after this, Dr. Olson Kennedy expresses the opinion that “Kai” may benefit from an increasing dose of testosterone. Psychiatrist in both I wrote after a remote visit in September 2020 that Clementine was at the time participating in “mandatory pieces to see if he had blood.” Later on the notes, Clemittein “has” has a complex diagnosis that includes involuntary cramps, psychosis, concerns and parades. “

Ms. Brain says she works greatly better today – as she forms, as she simply thinks that she stopped taking testosterone. But before that, she got rid of the therapist, Dr. Olson Kennedy, who said to her, who told her full sexual identity. She turned into a dialectical behavioral therapist, which she described as a gift from God, with her the first in -depth talks about the physical and sexual assault she had endured early in life. Mrs. Brain says she is somewhat confident that if she had these talks at the age of 12, she will not continue the medical transfer. She was left with a loud voice than she wants, Adam’s apple bother her, the possibility of breast rebuilding if she wants to restore a partial female shape, and the possibility of having infertility due to the years she spent on the hormone testosterone.

In a statement submitted to Economicand both He notes, “We do not comment on the suspended litigation; and with respect for the patient’s privacy and in compliance with government laws and federal laws, we do not comment on specific patients and/or their treatment.” Unfortunately, the paper corridor that highlights the approach of Dr. Olson Kennedy in the care of Mrs. Breen It does not exist for the previous processor, which we also called for comment. The California State Law requires therapists to keep the patient’s visit notes for a period of five years. But the therapist, Mrs. Brain, told us, through a lawyer, that almost all notes were not available, due to water damage.

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