
Cold fusion may be a viable energy alternative to end reliance on fossil fuels | Nuclear power

Luka Jarzotti notes (Messages, January 22Dangerous challenges face energy production from the processes based on thermal nuclear fusion, but have failed to mention alternative nuclear reactions with LENR, known as cold fusion.

Readers of the Guardian Ely Martin Flechman He will know that the situation related to cold melting is more complicated than that that is commonly assumed: Fleischmann and Stanley Pons claims had been distorted. The truth is that subsequent research showed that critics were the ones who were wrong, which is not widely known because the major magazines editors, under the impression that the claims were wrong, prevented the publication of the papers indicating otherwise.

For a long time, the difficulties in making the process work reliably, or in making useful amounts of energy using cold integration, means that Lenr has no practical value, but now the situation is completely different. At that time since the original discovery, there was a lot of progress, as a number of companies have been able to make these reactions operate completely, at least confirming authenticity claims by operating a device of its production.

Aside from the removal of the current dependence on fossil fuels, as well as the processes that require the disposal of radioactive materials on a large scale, these devices will benefit from being small, and can be used anywhere. Some companies are now working to make such devices commercially, and recently there was support from government organizations such as Apr-e In the United States and Horizon 2020 In the European Union. However, more acceleration must be done to launch these devices, thus reducing the harmful effects of climate change.
Brian Josephson Fakhri Professor in Physics, Cambridge University
David J. Nagil Research Professor, George Washington University
Alan Smith The International Association for Dip Arted Nuclear Sciences
Dr. Jean Paul Pepreian Fakhri Professor, Ax University
Yasuhiro Iwamura Professor of Research, Tuoko University

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