
Dining across the divide: ‘We got on so well, my daughter asked if I’d kissed him’ | Life and style

Lance, 66, St. Evz

works retired; Previously, nurse, then university lecturer

Voting If his voting is calculated, the work will vote. Being in a very conservative area, Lip Dim votes

Mobas Bush He plays in a rural rock band called Re: Formation

John, 63, Pinzans

works Highway engineer for their own account

Voting Since living in Cornwall, basically Lib Dem

Mobas Bush John survived the fall in front of a tube train. He came out of the tube, and a elderly lady built him and fell on the tracks, in bush from the live railway, in front of the train. This was 33 years ago – he and his girlfriend, now, have gave up their jobs and completely changed their lives

For beginners

John It has emerged in the real beer bar in advance, and I was trying to determine the dynamic between these two men. When I met Lance, I realized that it was one of them. I said, “I have just seen you in the real AleE tape,” and said, “I love the real beer,” and I said, “I I love real beer. “

bayonet It was quietly spoken, magician, expression, smart.

John We agreed on wine and ordered the same food. We love our fish, we live here.

bayonet We had the rocks, then we went to hunt today, which was Playes. Both were higher quality.

Large beef

bayonet We continued to return to the second homes. My point is that people who can only bear the costs of the second house are not really the problem. Some may call me the owner of a second house. I met my partner, Anne, 23 years ago; I already bought a house 10 miles from an apartment. I think the modern phrase lives together. People may think, “Of course you will defend people who have second homes.” But the problem is a structural: You cannot blame people to take advantage of financial incentives.

Putting the promotion of the previous newsletter

John I don’t think this is really washing. I said, “When you decide to coexist, what will you do next?” I think the only way we can really change anything is that people in our position, in the sixties of the last century, are uncomfortable, thinking about passing things in the future. The numbers do not lie. If you look at the numbers of this part of the country, no one working here can live here.

bayonet It comes out of the beating when you talk about fractures of 0.1 % – really wealthy people and companies, who take urine frankly. Equality, housing development and land banking services, where the problem exists.

John Airbnbs had a significant harmful effect on Cornwall. There are tens of thousands of them, and over the past two years, everything has been booked. I think they are more problem than the second homes.

Sharing panel

John I was working in the council, and I think it was in NHS, when they presented this word “sustainability” for the first time. No one heard before. In my section, which were highways, it took three months to unify what it means. From there, we had to know if development was sustainable, and it has completely embraced it.

bayonet I came to her from my university experience, in 2007. When it was focused on it: this procedure is needed in the next decade or so, not the next percent years. The University of Pleimouth was a pioneer in the sustainability agenda. When I was working in the field of health care, I thought, “What is the relationship of this with me?” I realized that it is about everything with all of us, and it has become more urgent.


John I don’t like the fact that I should walk through a cloud of smoke at the entrance to a bar, but I will not block it in the gardens. I was in Singapore last year, and there were very few places you could smoke. I couldn’t even VAPE – it was a bloody silly.

bayonet I am a health care specialist. I know what the risk of smoking is. If you want to go to the park and get a fever, this is absolute joy.

Fast food

bayonet I liked it a lot. We had the 16 -year -old Lagavulin Malt whiskey, and we had moved to a wonderful wonderful bar, but he had to return the train to Penzance.

John We got well, when I told my family about it, I asked my daughter if I had finally accepted him. I said, “No, shook hands.” But it was like this a little. I would like to meet with half a liter with him.
Additional reports: Kitty Drake

John and Lance eaten in Portminster kitchen In Saint -Eve, Cornwall

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