
Even with all the Dodgers’ spending, there will never be a salary cap in Major League Baseball

Before Congress, in the hearing room without windows, the American League winner CY Young was a clear but permanent point.

“The first thing that I get from the fans,” David Kon is for Senator Alan Simpson from Wyoming and other elected officials, “Do they want to win their teams.”

The date was on February 15, 1995, and MLB was in a dark place.

Five months ago, the players were struck, and began to stop the work that sparked the dramatic cancellation of the 1994 world chain. The relations between Al-Ittihad and the league were not pink since the formation of the union in 1966, but the proposal to share revenue was presented by its owners in January 1994-which is a proposal And, which guarantees decisive in the maximum salary-has become a burning cry for players and their representatives.

When the stalemate moved to 1995, the United States government was involved. Congress presented a handful of bills on the legitimacy of anti -monopoly exemption in MLB. President Clinton gave a speech calling the two sides to reopen negotiations. Then Makhout and a number of prominent baseball residents, including Famer of Famer Eddie Murray, CEO of the MLB Players Association, Donald Fehr and Acting MLB Commissioner, were called to speak at a judicial committee hearing.

“The bottom line is [fans] You want to win, “repeat a cone.” We think by protecting this free market system, fans will have a better opportunity to get a winner team. “

In early April 1995, the two sides reached an official agreement, which included a luxury tax, but there is no maximum. Both sides were frustrated but reluctantly satisfied. The league had a tool to nullify spending, while Al -Ittihad maintained the essence of the free market system. Jobs, the same economic system that governs the baseball to this day.

But now, after 30 years, the idea of ​​the maximum salary has returned to public speech. The power of the motivation for it: the free -deposited Los Angeles wheels that appear to be exhausted and their pockets that are not apparently flawed. The World Defense World Series Series spent $ 384.5 million in the Free Agency this winter, a number that does not include an extension of $ 74 million for Utility Tommy Edman or the signing of the accused Japanese garbage and international amateurs Roki Sasaki.

In response, frustrated fans are demanding change.

In a poll conducted by commercial rumors online on January 19, more than two-thirds of the voters-24409 people-supported a salary ceiling in the following collective negotiation agreement. Steering, 50.18 % of the participants – that is, 13,757 fans – said they are ready to lose the entire 2027 season in exchange for the maximum salary.

These numbers, although they are far from the final, are increasing dissatisfaction among fans, especially those in small market teams. The gap in the salary statements between the evaders ($ 379 million) and Miami Marles ($ 67 million), the lowest spending club in MLB. Only nine teams are expected to open this season with salary statements more than half of the Los Angeles size ($ 189.5 million). Although the evaders were spending freely, four teams – Cardinals, alcoholic manufacturers, Marlins and Twins – have not yet signed a free agent in this season. Ten clubs were committed less than $ 15 million in the open market.

There is an indisputable gap between spending and spending.

It is understood that the fans are upset. But their concern about how the evaders are in commercial business, in fact, more related to the lack of activity that is economical in their favorite clothes. As the cone of Congress was told in 1994, what the ball monitors really want is an equal-or at least one. Without the hope that the ice will flush from the ground every spring, again, the fans will lose their attention. Why is he watched, thinking, if it is clear that the evaders will win everything?

Legitimate as this frustration may be, yearning for the maximum salary is not a practical path forward. Far from that. This is because for MlbPa, the idea of ​​salary cover is a third line, a third line, a line in the sand. The comprehensive goal of the union, like any union, is to ensure a fair, safe and profitable work environment for its members. Al -Ittihad wants to help the players increase their strength. The salary cover limits this. The alienation of the group of the massive concept is essential, and is subject to the initial threads of the organization.

“The membership to the court goes to the court,” said Marfin Miller, the late work commander in the corridors and CEO of MLBPA. “

“This line in the sand was a salary hat,” the jug of the Celebrity Hall, Tom Ghostin, told the athlete in the history of the 2019 for the blow. “We were fighting for the salary cover for no salary cover. This was an easy battle, if it is permissible to speak.”

The current CEO of MLBPA, Tony Clark, during his 12 -year -old term at the top of the union, remained opposed to the heat of the boundaries of artificial spending. He told reporters in 2023: “We will never agree on the maximum. Restrictions on the value of the player and the player’s salary.”

For Clark and its Etihad, the increasing MLB financial stadium solution is, instead, to stimulate spending from bottom to top. The problem is not the difference that is spent trivial; The problem is the difference that does not spend at all. Close that gap will come from pushing the floor to the top, not pushing the ceiling down. But while the fixed salary hall has been discussed over the years, it is unlikely to come without a cover.

What’s more, the maximum/simple floor system, as MLBPA claimed, will not guarantee an equal stadium. Both the American Professional League and the US Football Association have caps, and these championships have struggled to ensure competitive parity in the twenty -first century. Meanwhile, the baseball had not had a champion of 25 years ago. It is an enormous and unstable pride point for MLBPA that their league is the only one in the main American professional sport without cover.

Whether the idea of ​​its maximum is merit or not, to some extent, next to the point. Certainly, the Union will never accept, regardless of how difficult MLB and its owners are difficult. The maximum proposal is at best a tactic to negotiate and in the worst time a waste of time.

However, it is possible that the resentment of the evaders will grow enough over the next two years, as the owners are forced to suggest the maximum when the next round of CBA negotiations begins after the 2026 season. A cover was proposed early in the last round of negotiations but it was presented Shortly after that. The league, which was encouraged by recent events, can cling to more tightly with his goal for decades is to place a cover-theoretical and more practicality to reduce spending.

There is no doubt that such a strategy will increase the dispute between the two sides, which inflates the possibility of stopping work, which many people see as already inevitable. But the league – and the billionaires he represents – may see this moment a rare opportunity to pay a cover, a hole that deserves risk.

During the latest CBA negotiations in 2022, public opinion was in favor of the federation at its highest level, especially compared to the upcoming battles in 1994 and 1995. The salary cover will be useful for the small market teams. It is still seen, but in the minds of ownership, this may be the best opportunity in a generation to establish an end to difficult spending.

However, it is difficult to imagine that the union is deserving of any suggestion that includes a difficult cover.

“The maximum science is destroying, a free agency,” said the former Hirschizer’s jug in December 1994.

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