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Green sea turtles cold-stunned by Florida snow recover at marine center | Florida

An explosion in the Arctic brought rare snowfall to the north Florida Last week, the green sea turtles left south, where Saint Augustine suffers from a condition known as the cold.

Seventeen sea turtles found along the Atlantic Coast in the northeastern Florida were brought to the Logburid Marinilav Center in Juno Beach, north of West Palm Beach, where they are rehabilitated.

“When the atmosphere is cold on the floor, the atmosphere is also cold in the ocean.” Heather Baron, the chief science and veterinarian at the center, said: “This led to the presence of a number of turtles with a beach or extremely exhausted and extinguishing in the water.”

The employees appointed the turtles that were rescued after drinks, and drew their new names on the back of their shells. Veterinarians treat them with antibiotics, fluids and intravenous nutrition.

Green marine turtles are treated for cold swimming in a tank at the Logburid Marinilav Center, on Wednesday. Photo: Cody Jackson/Aug

While snow fell in the far south like North Florida, which is very rare, cold temperatures reached southern Florida. This meant that the turtles that were classified were found cold along the coast of the Palm Beach Province.

“This is unusual that this happens in Florida. Baron said:” The turtles migrate, and it usually migrates to Florida for this time of the year because of the warmer water. “

By Wednesday morning, Espresso, pickled juice and beer ginger were sun in the sun’s rays at the “party tank” at the center.

Turtles arrived at Juno Beach on Friday from the Marine Science Center in Volusia Province, Florida. They all have suffered from the cold, which leads to the loss of navigational turtles and become lethargy. Most of the 17 turtles are expected to be launched again in the ocean within a few weeks.

Last year, turtles were brought from Massachusetts to Florida for rehabilitation while suffering from cold.

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