
I live in a forest my parents planted when I was a child. It’s not too late for you to grow one too | Jessie Cole

IIn the late 1970s when my parents built the house where I still live, there was no forest. The property was pastures of a deserted cow, full of strange grass and weeds. My parents started planting trees before the start of the house, and now – in my life, 47 years old – has grown to become a forest. When I was a child, we called my father’s “garden” cultivation, which implicitly means a place to run us. The cultivated, civilized. Somewhere all the way, we called it “the forest”. A self-managed ecosystem that we sometimes affects-reducing debris and cleaning the debris-but only when it penetrated into our actual house.

In the original home design, the garden was supposed to be the main feature. All rooms were all separate wooden units that were built along an open central corridor, and the garden grows between them. About half a century after, the house was immersed in the forests. We live in growth, below the umbrella. Stogorns, Elkhorns, Mossees and Lichen grow on tree trunks, and Bromeliads multiply indefinitely. The longest trees in our forests are more than 45 meters. It looks old, although it is not 50 yet. My parents cultivated the forest, but they feel eternal. They had a vision when they started, but I don’t think they could have imagined how much size or tied each tree, every tree they raised with affection around it could grow.

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You can feel the preservation of a wooden house immersed in the semi -tropical rainforest as a full -time function. We have once discovered a leakage tube below the kitchen sink that has drained all the shelves of the particle plate. When the cabinet opened the bottom, it looked normal, but it became suspiciously brave to the touch. All shelves will need to be replaced. We looked at – Audg – where Adyman removed loads from the roots from the roots and soil fertilizer from the bottom of our basin. Our kitchen cabinet was alive! The roots of the trees have grown outside between the slab and the wall, and the damp particle plate is assumed. Our forests have violated the borders of the house. Since then, we have been exhausted. We have dug the trenches around the panels so that we can find out if the roots go beyond. On the last day, lying on the bed, spying on a thick hydro of Philodendron that escalates inside an open wardrobe. How long was there? When did you invent it?

The house was one day “an abandoned cow, full of strange grass and weeds,” Jesse Cole wrote. “My parents started planting trees before the start of the house, and now – in my life, 47 years old – has grown to become a forest.” Photo: provider

What is gardening if it is not a continuous battle to control? Nature, rearranged. It is not uncommon for visitors to notice, “If this is my place, I will get rid of some of these trees.” Sub -text, This has gone out of control. For the largest part, it is right. We have surrendered to the forest. Years ago, we raised the white flag. Nowadays, we keep the home itself hard, but there is no sovereignty over the trees. When I was young, the trees were very small, seedlings, and we are all together, from something to something. We are close, we are relatives. Trees are not decorations, they are objects, and our lives are intertwined. We try to live in harmony. However, it takes a day to clean the gutters, and of course, the low leaves are indivisible, so it is also a surrender to keep safe and clean home. Sometimes, the branch grows very low and fixed to prevent access to my room. I cut it hard. Give a little, take a little. This is how things go.

What about falling trees? Yes, we had. We have learned that our house is strong enough to stand firmly under its weight, although one of them was wearing a brick smoker on its way down, which we need to rebuild. The accident was scary, but the world was full of frightening things.

There are parts of our property that have become really wild. In my childhood, across the bubble, we had a rudimentary Japanese garden, with a small pool and pergola. There were giant rocks, brilliantly arranged, and trimmed paths. The forest regained this section. We could not preserve it. She was soaked. At its peak, it may have been foolish, although we remember it with pride: a blessing of flashing golden fish, the creable trunks. The vision was once appearing, albeit only for a contract or so. He lives in our memory. You cannot, as it turns out, hold everything.

I have never imagined that I would spend a lifetime in a forest that sowed my parents, but sometimes you must commit to seeing things that bear fruit. Some trees live hundreds of years. It is difficult for the human mind to understand the human mind. How can we know, when we plant these seeds, how exceptional trees? You can grow a forest. It can be greater and more sustainable than you imagine. Visitors may breathe when they come to your home. Things may go out of control. It was not too late to start anything from scratch. It was not too late. Planting a tree. Feel it. We cannot know what the future might bring, but the trees know how a forest is – and take when we go – will prevail.

Jesse Cole He is the author of the book Four Books, the last of which is the notes to stay and desire, and it is an account

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