
More than 100,000 homes in England could be built in highest-risk flood zones | Flooding

The guardian’s analysis indicates that more than 100,000 new homes will be built on high -risk flood areas in England in the next five years as part of the government’s payment for 1.5 million additional real estate by the end of this parliament.

The areas with the highest risk of developing dangerous floods are supposed to be inhibited. Experts say development should be avoided unless this is very necessary because there is a great opportunity for the normal self, which will showcase the characteristics, Hundreds of millions of economic damage caused And make homes not effective.

But a batch for housing growth by Prime Minister Kiir Starmer, and the advisor, Rachel ReevesIt means that tens of thousands of new homes will be built in areas at the highest danger of dangerous floods unless the government interferes, according to directions in the latest data.

Richard Dawson, Professor of Earth Systems Engineering at Newcastle University and Member of the Climate Change Committee, Guardian told that every year, new houses were built in high areas of flooding risk at a fixed rate.

In 2020-21 and 2021-22, 7 % of the new property was built on the highest risk plain, known as District 3, according to the Climate Change Committee The latest progressive report.

If this trend continues at the current rate, about 105,000 new homes will be built on the flood 3 by the end of this parliament.

District 3 map

“The analysis shows that the trend was fixed, and there is no modern new policy designed to address this,” said Dawson. “If this trend continues, one may expect more than 100,000 homes to be built on high -risk flood plains if the government achieves its goal of 1.5 meters.”

Revelation comes as a government I announced an additional 250 million poundsIn addition to 2.4 billion pounds in advance, promised to support flood defenses and protect 66,500 additional properties.

But the increase in development in the flooding areas puts more pressure on societies. Insurance experts did not call for not building new homes on the plains of floods, and some flood risks consultants have warned that housing targets in the Labor Party may not be investigative because they will face the harsh reality of floods caused by climate collapse.

Jason Staura, CEO of UK & Ireland General Insurance in Aviva, said that the number of new homes that are built on flood plains should be prevented from increasing.

“Building new real estate in the flood areas does not expose new homes only at risk,” Stra said. “It puts additional pressure on the already tense flood defenses and sewage systems, which are flooded with heavy rains, which increases the risk of flooding to the existing homes in the nearby area.”

The Guardian has analyzed the targets of building government homes, which require the largest number of new property that will focus in the largest growth areas in London, the southeast and eastern England. Place these areas above National evaluation of the map of the risk of coastal corrosion, It was published last month, and it reveals that these areas are the place where the largest number of homes are at a high or medium risk of floods of rivers and seas, and from surface water.

Data appears from the national evaluation of flood risks to eastern England-specifically from the east of Midlands, Yorkshire, Hamper, and the southeastern regions- 52 % of the total number of property in England, which is considered in high -risk areas for floods, represents. Without the effect of the climate crisis in the coming years. These areas themselves are also at risk to high water in surface water.

Daniel Cook, a legal director of water and the environment and a specialized flood risk consultant, said there are regulations that are applied such as the framework of the national planning policy to ensure the design of housing based on flood plains appropriately and dilution was performed. But based on government data that show where it will be the biggest contribution to housing growth, Cook said that the goal of the Labor Party represented in 1.5 million homes can conflict with the fact that the climate collapsing.

“In the future, there may be a problem to achieve the type of home building that is requested as a result of the risk of flooding from multiple sources of floods,” Cook said. He added that there are policies and regulations in place to make enlightened decisions.

Starmer and Reeves proposal, in their design to accelerate home construction For the red tape in planning, repairs have not yet been completed, In order to allow developers to build faster. The consultant said that the removal of environmental regulations will mean developers “can focus on building things and stopping concern about bats and newss.”

But Dawson launched the letter and the intention is not useful. “These operations and principles are trying to ensure that we have a good environment, we take care of people and their safety, and reduce the costs of floods,” he said. These are good principles. Their tearing of the policy focus on only one goal, and it is only for construction, is not useful. “

The climate crisis leads the harsh weather, which greatly increased the scope and density of floods in the United Kingdom. Environmental Agency data 6.3 meters says real estate, residential houses and companies in areas at risk of floods, seas and surface water.

By 2050, the effect of the climate crisis means that one in four residential and commercial real estate will be at risk of floods, about 8 meters. The number of properties in areas at risk of floods of rivers and seas may increase by 73 % between 2036 and 2069.

One of the fastest risks of flooding its growth is from surface water. Environmental Agency data shows that there are 4.6 meters in areas at risk of surface water floods, an increase of 43 % in the last evaluation, in 2018.

Storah said: “Since the government is considering how to fix planning, we call for a three -step examination to ensure that the new real estate is ready for the climate: building in the right places, building with the right materials, and building with flexibility as a standard.”

Spokesman Housing“We do not get to know these numbers. We are clear that any new developments must be built away from areas that are exposed to the highest risk of floods. This government will maintain the highest levels of flood protection, while taking decisive measures to fix our broken planning system and submit 1.5 One million homes through our change plan.

the government Refurmed Planning Policy in December 2024. However, nothing in politics prevents construction on the most famous flood areas.

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