
Prostate cancer and the pros and cons of taking a PSA test | Prostate cancer

I read the message (February 2One of the retired urology, saying that men should think very carefully before they ask GP to test PSA, with great interest. In 2012, I asked for a PSA test from my doctor at the time. She refused that he was not trustworthy and gave a lot of wrongful positive results.

She insisted, I told her that my brothers have prostate cancer and that there is a good opportunity because I got it as well. I have retreated. I had my PSA test and was positive.

After that, I had tests and ultimately a biopsy, which showed that I had cancer for sure. I received options and decided Random therapy. He was successful, and after 12 years, everything is fine. I am very grateful for our great NHS.
Noel Hannon

Return the message in the PSA test, my doctor always refers to “enhances stress and anxiety.” Maybe do.
Clav Roberts
Hanwell, London

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