
‘Roasting marshmallow’ exoplanet is so hot, it rains metal. How did it form?

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The clarification shows a “roasting” star, swollen “swollen” planet. | Credit: Robert Lea (created with Kanfa)

Astronomers may be unintentionally complicated by the mystery of how strange planets “roasting Al -Khatmi” form. Using the Gemini South, the researchers found that the “hot and swollen” planet may be more closer to its star than previously thought, challenging what we know about how the planets are formed.

Since the discovery of the first planet abroad Solar system In the mid -nineties, planetary catalogs outside the electrode, or “External planets,“It has grown to more than 5,000 posts. Many of these external planets are nothing in our solar system.Hot Jobsters They are major examples of this, being giant gas planets several times The mass and size of Jupiter Very close to their stars so that they can complete orbit within a few hours.

Up to a third of the external planets that have been discovered so far are hot. These swollen hot worlds have extremist temperatures, making them the title of “stealing the bread”. These planets are believed to be out of their stars in orbits similar to those that exist Jupiter and Saturn In our own solar system, before deporting inward. However, the new WASP-121B study throws these original ideas in doubt.

The team behind the new research reached this conclusion when they started studying the protein chemistry, and clouds of gas and dust around the infants from which the planets appear, using the infrared spectrum tool (IGRINS) used Southern Gemini telescope In Chile.

With IGRINS, the team was able to measure the ratio of rocks to the ice Transit Using one tool for the first time ever. Their measurement has eliminated potential errors that can arise for other tools, proving a strong new way to perform the chemical analysis of the external planets.

“GEMINI South Earth data using IGRINS has actually made more accurate measurements for individual chemical abundance than the space telescopes that could have been achieved,” Peter Smith of the roasted Marshmlows program He said in a statement.

“The sensitivity of our tool is advancing to the point where we can use these elements to investigate the areas, altitudes and the different length to see the fine details such as wind speeds, and reveal the extent of the dynamics of this planet.”

Is the WASP-121B shape next to its star?

It is about 858 light years of Earth, WASP-121B It has 1.2 times the mass of Jupiter but swollen, making it 1.9 times the largest width of the planet in the solar system. It is very close to its star so that it takes only 1.3 days to complete the orbit. WASP-121B is closedIn the sense that the planet has a hot “dayside”, which permanently faces this stars and a more cold night, always faces in space.

The Dayside of WASP-121B is very hot at about 4,500 ° F (2500 ° C) so that the minerals on the planet and drifting to the top in the atmosphere can be evacuated. Then these minerals are detonated alongside the planet from a strong wind of 11,000 miles per hour (17700 km/h), as they cool and fall as a purity of liquid minerals, Ruby and sapphire.

Standard composition models indicate that WASP-121B had to have been more formed in the protoplain disc, which was once surrounded by the star from the position she occupied today before migrating inward. But the planet’s chemistry does not seem to support this idea.

The graduation must be in Protoplanite tablet From this system (and all others) that have seen rock and ice materials change from steam to solid with an increase in the distance from the star.

This illustration shows how rock and ice materials are differentiated into a gradient inside the star of the protobhania due to the various temperature thresholds.

This illustration shows how rock and ice materials are differentiated into a gradient inside the star of the protobhania due to the various temperature thresholds. | Credit: Norilab/NSF/Aura/P. Marinfield

Astronomers can search for the signatures of the elements in the planets and their atmosphere and determine the percentage of rock material to the existing ice gas material when the planet was born. Which – which He should Tell them to what extent the planet faded.

To determine this percentage, astronomers usually have to make frequent notes with different tools: a visible lighting tool for detecting solid rock materials and infrared tool to detect the invasive material.

The fact that WASP-121B is very hot means, both types of elements are evaded in an atmosphere and can be detected using IGRINS while the planet or “crossing” the face of its star crosses.

“The climate of this planet is extreme and nothing is like Earth,” Smith said. “The days of the planet’s day are so hot that the elements are usually believed to be” metal “evaporating in the atmosphere, which makes them discovered through spectral analysis.

Thus, with IGRINS, this team enables the discovery of the percentage of rocks to the ice from WASP-121B, which was particularly high. This indicates that in his childhood in childhood, he could collect a large amount of rock material where it was formed. This would indicate that he was born in an area of ​​the protoplantine disk, which was very hot to intensify IESes. This was a surprise to scientists as the current model suggests The gas giants need solid Iceses to form.

“Our measurement means that perhaps this typical opinion should be reviewed and our formation models should be reviewed.” Smith added.

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Smith and his colleagues now intend to expand the investigation of high-skisbacks in other planetary systems using IGRIRINS-2 tools that have been nominal and ready for use.

This should allow scientists to build a sample larger than the atmosphere of the hot planet outside and cancel the secrets of these extremist worlds, unlike anything seen in the solar system.

The team’s research was published on December 2 Astronomical magazine.

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