
Scott Adkins & Trace Adkins Join Western ‘Day of Reckoning’

Exclusive: Scott Adkins and ADKINS tracking Join ESX entertainment western Judgment Dayand He starred by Billy Zan and Zak Rorge and Kara Jaid Mairez. Shaun Silva from Tacklebox Films is guidance.

The production of Ali Afshar is followed by slow lawyer John Dorsi (Ruwairej), and he is about to lose his wife and jobs as a police and owns Marshal Bush Hayden (Zan) the ups of the Emily Ross (Miles) contract. . The battle of the commandments requires that Emily revolve around herself, but like her amazing husband and gang, Emily and John realize that they will need each other to survive.

Scott Adkins recently dismantled the NETFLIX feature film by Joa Karenhan to cut In exchange for Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. He recently performed Lionsgate’s The killer game Opposite Dave Botista and Sophia Potila. Scott Adkins can also be seen in the Netflix movement comedy Convert In front of Jimmy Fox, The man of the accident: a killer holidayAnd in John Wake: Chapter 4.

Productive Judgment Day AFSHAR (American wrestler: processorand Bennett war), Christina Moore (Dirt, Casa Grande, Fortune wheelsDaniel Asbumontity (The curse of the necklaceand Heroand California birthdayand Christmas puzzleand This is Hoor) And Don League (Rasoub, Billy Joel – The last play in XiaAmy nominated The giant is not related. Participated producers are Alex Ranarvilo and Kreile George.

Scott Adkins by Reped by Geersh, The Bwh Agency, Vault Entertainment, and Goodman, Genow, Schenkman, Smelkinson & Christopher.

Trace Adkins is a countryside music icon that calculates more than 20 individuals on Billboard Control music, including “(this is not) something you think”, “Ladies Love Children”, and “You will miss this”, which reached its climax in 1997 and 2007 and 2008, respectively. It includes his advantage I can only imagine, Lincoln’s lawyer, mothers ’nightand Bennett war Fox series monarch.

[Editor’s Note, Scott Adkins and Trace Adkins are not releated]

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