Current Affairs

The Guardian view on the children’s bill: academy freedoms are beside the point | Editorial

R.Conservatives on the education bill over the past month began at an attempt to decline in political strikes – not to make children’s life in England more safe or better. The horror of the deputies in the gangs of sexual exploitation is sincere, but the attempt to investigate the Bridge of Philippson was a bad attempt To display mood About an important part of progressive legislation. This amendment was defeated. But the ministers were shaken when Kimi Padnouch repeated Oscars’ complaints The bill will cramp their style. The formulation has been changed so that they are not required, after all, to pay teachers according to the agreed wages standards at the national level.

The ministers must now draw a line and stand on their soil. Deficiency One of the teachers in the main topics is a problem that gets worse in the shadow of conservatives. It is doubtful whether the rules of wage wages have caused the damage to it, and Sir Kiir Starmer was right to confirm that there is nothing noticeable about the students ’demand in all schools to qualify. Mrs. Badnotch – Are Olympion not eligible to teach PE? It was a prosperity speech, not a dangerous point.

Measures that enhance cooperation and reduce fragmentation through the system are welcome and consistent with the values ​​of work. It is right for local authorities to give more acceptance in their area, especially given The tremendous challenge of providing special needsAnd forcing academies to follow the same curriculum as other schools. While the matter fits the governor of Mrs. Badnosh in formation as heroes of the Oscars, the evidence for the academy as a way to the higher standards is not present, as they know well. Some studies found this The local authority schools are superior to it. This is why plans to convert all schools into academies have been floated and abandoned several times.

The “appropriate and proper” test must be for people who want to manage private schools in place years ago. The audience may be amazed when he knew it was not. More clarity is needed regarding The futureAnd how this is related to the role of new regional improvement teams. But replacing the rulings consisting of one word with more accurate reports cards are the right step, and you must go well towards restoring the sector’s morale.

Parts of the bill directed at children’s lives are needed. The new tools to help agencies are to track vulnerable students a positive step. This column has previously argued for a The mandatory record Children who are educated at home-who are now 153,000. It is a scandal that parents have, until now, their choice to educate children who have concerns about documented child protection.

New regulations for private children’s homes do not go away enough. Dam It should not be the “last resort”. This is a failed market that the ministers should be ended. The Children’s Commissioner, Rachel de Souza, argued that the bill could also be an opportunity for Remove reasonable chastity As a defense of the charge of assaulting a child – a change that Mr. Kiir had previously supported.

But there is a good deal that we look forward to when the bill becomes this law. While fears about children’s welfare and development are increasing, school breakfast clubs will improve lives. This, in particular, is a policy that is proud of it.

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