Matthew Faith, head of the Trump Acting Office and Budget Office, had issued the instructions of all federal agencies to “temporarily stop all activities related to obligations or disburse all federal financial assistance” in A. An internal note of two pages . The guidance was seen as part of Trump’s desire to reveal programs related to diversity, fairness and integration (Dei).
Does it stop temporarily?
The court is prohibited to direct the Trump administration from implementing it until next Monday, February 3.
The American boycott judge, Lauren Alejhan, gave the temporary pause after arguing several calling groups that the freezing will destroy programs ranging from health care to road building.
Federal grants and loans reach almost every corner of Americans, where hundreds of billions of dollars flow to education, health care, anti -poverty, housing assistance, disaster relief, infrastructure and a set of other initiatives.
An alliance of non -profit organizations, companies and others is expected to expect in the affected sectors that were assembled under an alliance called democracy forward in a case that argues that Trump’s policy is unconstitutional.
The court will review the case on Monday.
What did the memo say?
The White House issued a directive in a generalization note as part of a comprehensive ideological review of its spending.
“The use of federal resources for progress in Marxist property, sexual transformation, and new social engineering policies are a waste of taxpayers that do not improve the life of those we serve,” says the memo.
The memorandum was met with Washington’s widespread confusion, as civil service staff struggled to understand its full scope and application.
How did Washington respond?
The White House did not immediately comment on the court. She said that freezing is necessary to ensure the compatibility of federal aid programs with the priorities of the Republican President, including the executive orders signed by ending the efforts of diversity, fairness and integration.
Democrats called Trump’s “unprecedented” and “destroyed”, with Chuck Schumer, the leader of the Democratic Senate, describing it as “a dagger in the heart of normal American families, in the red states and blue states, in cities, suburbs, and rural areas.”
The United States constitution is given control of Congress to spend matters, but Trump said during his campaign he believes that the president has the ability to block money for the programs he hates.
Even before the policy enters into force, it caused a widespread disturbance of social savings in education, housing and health care, leaving millions for fear that they would lose their jobs and access to health care and other services.
Despite the stoppage requested by the court, the payment gates for Medicaid, the largest program that provides medical and health services for low -income persons, They were on Tuesday. White House press secretary Caroline Levitte said on X that the government was aware of the interruption of Medicid’s gate and no payments were affected.
If legal challenges against Trump’s guidance fail, everything starts from cancer research, nutritional assistance, suicide lines, community health, universities, FAFSA students, and the non -profit sector, is expected to be affected.