
UK scientist wins prize for invention that could help avert ‘phosphogeddon’ | Science

It is one of the least estimated materials on this planet, and its misuse is now threatening to release environmental chaos. Phosphor is a major element in fertilizers that have become vital in providing food for the world. But at the same time, the spread of these phosphorous compounds – known as phosphate – in rivers, lakes and tables Algae That kills fish and marine life on a large scale.

It is noticeable to the view that is now dealt with through a wonderful simplicity project. Rookwood Operations, based in Wales, Sumrest, launched a product that enables phosphate extraction from problem areas and then reused in agricultural lands.

This week, one of the founders of the company, Jane Pears, will receive the UK Innovation Award in the United Kingdom worth 75,000 pounds for its role in establishing the project. Pierce told Pierce newspaper observer Last week.

The curiosity key is a material that is simply known as the phosphate or PRM removal material. It was recently developed, and it is about to undergo experiments with a local water company in Sumrest and will be followed up within a few months with tests with a national company.

“Basically, we have developed actions like a sponge that absorbs phosphate,” said Pears, who created Rocod’s operations with her partner, Liam and Josh Hersus’s friend. “Sitting in the water in an open container until it absorbs the largest possible amount of phosphate, then it is transferred to agricultural lands. PRM is fully manufactured from natural material Soil.

PRM production is one of the most interesting developments in a growing crisis Scientists call it “phosphorous”.

Phosphate is necessary for life. Bones and teeth are largely made of calcium phosphate, while DNA It has a phosphate spine that provides decisive support for its structure. However, the vital role of phosphate inside fertilizers – about 50 meters of phosphate fertilizers is sold all over the world every year and plays a major role in feeding the planet 8 billion people – This means

Phosphate reserves dry out. Only those in Morocco, the Western Sahara and China contain large sums, while reserves in the United States decreased to 1 % of the previous levels. Britain has always relied on imports.

At the same time, humanity has become dangerous. Fertilizers are washed from the fields, as well as sewage drainage rich in phosphate, and these lakes polluted and waterways all over the world.

Phosphate operations lead to algae that consume oxygen and prevent sunlight from underwater plants with deadly effects. Many British rivers have been badly contaminated in this way, such as Way River, which has become a bad -smelling peas soup In many places.

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In this background, Pierce and her colleagues developed Rookwood PRM operations as a way to treat excess phosphate while doing something that is restored in the soil.

“What we have developed is a simple substance that can have a very broad impact on a really disturbing environmental problem,” Pierce said. “We hope that the use of phosphate in this country will stabilize and reduce our need to import supplies from other countries. It can only help the environment.”

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