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Walruses are threatened by climate change. The internet is trying to help save them

Melting sea ice due to climate change It’s not just a problem for people living in coastal areas that flood slowly. He – she It threatens the survival of species such as the walruswhich is uniquely based on the disappearance of the frozen environment. As we burn fossil fuels, trapping the heat that melts the polar ice, plump pinnipeds struggle to find sea ice to live on. Additionally, as oceans become more acidic due to human activity, it makes it harder for walrus prey such as crabs, clams and sea snails to catch. Build their shells.

Wildlife biologist Dr. Devin Johnson of the Fish and Wildlife Service’s (FWS) Marine Mammal Management Program is not entirely pessimistic about the plight of these animals. He has fond memories of interacting with the Atlantic Ocean (Odobinus rosmarus rosmarus) and the Pacific Ocean )Odobenus rosmarus divergent) Walruses that inhabit the area.

“It’s always special to see these animals in their natural habitat, and it underscores the importance of sea ice, especially for mothers with young calves,” Johnson told Salon.

Since 2023, both the FWS and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) have operated research stations in the Chukchi Sea, an area of ​​the Arctic Ocean between Alaska and Siberia, and one of the scientists’ goals has been to protect walruses. To get help, they sought help on the Internet.

Since 2021, more than 37,000 citizen scientists have participated in Walrus From Space, a joint project between the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) to monitor walrus populations. Ordinary citizens can sign up to scan satellite images for six years so they can count walruses. A The last story High North News drew attention to the program’s continued success, reporting that volunteers have so far reviewed two out of six years of satellite imagery.

“Pacific walruses are specially adapted to life in and around sea ice.”

These programs are essential because climate change is one of the biggest threats to the continued survival of walruses, experts like Johnson agree. He added that there are many ways ordinary people can help walruses, in addition to working to reduce global carbon emissions.

“There are some conservation measures on the ground that may help mitigate climate change-induced stresses on the Pacific walrus population.” Johnson said. “For example, the Native Village of Point Lay in Alaska has taken an active role in protecting large walruses that occur seasonally near the village – working with the FWS to reduce disturbance-related deaths.”

Pacific walruses are harvested in Russia and Alaska. (Devin Johnson)

He also noted that humans who depend on walruses for food still have positive ecological relationships with the species. Alaska and Chukotka Native communities have harvested walruses for thousands of years without endangering their populations.

“A Recent study “It indicates that current harvest levels are within a sustainable range and can continue into the future despite stressors associated with climate change,” Johnson said.

These efforts will be increasingly important as walruses struggle with the challenges posed by climate change.

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“Pacific walruses are specially adapted to life in and around sea ice,” Johnson said. “Walruses (particularly females and calves) use broken sea ice habitat throughout much of the year as a resting platform between foraging periods close to their food resources (‘hotspots’ of upwelling benthic invertebrates) and providing safety from terrestrial predators e.g. Although recent research suggests that the animal population is currently large (more than 250,000 animals) and healthy, sea ice across the Pacific range is expected to decline significantly in the future.

Modern studies By the research team It was published in the Journal of Wildlife Management and as part of the Advances in Marine Ecology series confirming this.

“With less sea ice and a longer ice-free period in the Chukchi Sea, we expect female walruses and their young to have to spend more time swimming to and from their foraging areas, and less time resting,” Johnson said. “This comes with increased vital energy expenditure, which over time can lead to depletion of energy reserves and impact reproductive success, along with potentially contributing to calf mortality.”

Because the Chukchi Sea experiences longer periods without ice, and female walruses and their young spend more time resting on land, this makes them vulnerable to human and predator activity. As planes or boats pass by and predators such as polar bears appear, the walruses become terrified and rush into the water, causing fatalities related to trampling.

“Future sea ice declines will also likely mean an expansion of the human footprint in the Arctic,” Johnson said. “More human activity (e.g., shipping lanes through the Bering Strait, oil exploration in the Chukchi Sea) increases the potential for disruptions, both to coastal transports and to their foraging areas, which could also affect energy reserves.” Walrus and contribute to mortality events.”

However, at the same time, Johnson said, walruses are still able to thrive despite the difficulties they face.

“In 2021, I had the opportunity to visit Round Island, a state-managed game reserve in Bristol Bay where intrepid visitors can watch thousands of adult male walruses resting this summer,” Johnson said. “Seeing huge groups of animals is a stunning reminder of their abundance and importance to the ecosystem.”

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About animals and climate change

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