
What should we eat to give us better, healthier skin

A multi -colored diet can lead to brighter skin

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This article is part of a special issue that is achieved in the main questions about skin care. Look for the full series here.

for you leather Under the ongoing assault. Exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke, physical pollution, heavy minerals, and ozone can generate interactive oxygen (ROS) that attack DNA, rupture cell membranes, and detect essential proteins for life. Perhaps the most harmful is ultraviolet radiation, which generates ROS as well as directly disrupting the DNA.

The human body can raise and neutralize ROS, but it needs molecules present in fruits, vegetables and leafy vegetables to do so.

Carotins are among the nutrients that have been widely studied for these benefits. These are the dyes that give the likes of bright pumpkin. “It is a very good antioxidant and it is especially good in neutralizing the oxygen shirt [a type of ROS]He says Jean Crotman At the Leibniz Institute for Environmental Medicine in Dusseldorf, Germany, who It was recently analyzed 50 years of data from human clinical trials that involve carotenoid supplements. “The carotenoids that hunt and neutralize them before they can cause damage.”

These materials are the best in protecting from the longest wavelengths found in UVA light. UVA penetrates the deepest layers of the skin, generating ROS that can cause skin aging, wrinkles and cancer. Carotinoid cannot prevent direct DNA damage caused by the same rays, which means that it cannot be considered an alternative to sunscreen.

Good food sources include carrots and tomatoes. To get the greatest benefits, …

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